Our October health focus is on the well-being of the Kidneys and Bladder which can support seasonal allergies and overall Spring health (from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective).
In both Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Kidneys have important functions of regulating water metabolism and filter nutrients from waste. The Ancient Chinese have also discovered the close relationship between Kidney health and our body's ageing process - from growth of bones and muscles, puberty, menstrual cycle, fertility to the decline of health functions. The Kidneys work in symbiosis to the other organ systems to make sure our body can operate like a well-oiled machine. Since Spring is the season of growth, it is pivotal to make sure the Kidney's spring health is at its optimal level.
Even though the Spring season is fully upon us, our weather can still fluctuate from warm to hot days, to rainy, windy and cold, especially here in Melbourne, Victoria. It is crucial to look after your Spring health as it can impact your health constitution for the other 3 seasons.

To maintain your health over the next month, here are some valuable tips:
- On cooler days & at night, keep the body covered and warm, especially the joints.
- Go out and enjoy the sunshine and exercise regularly to maintain your overall well-being.
- Continue to manage stress and prioritise sleep.
- Proper nutrition & staying well hydrated is the key to optimal kidney health. Recommended foods for this season include regular bone broth, cashew nuts, walnuts and mushrooms.
- Engage in regular foot spas as this is both beneficial to the kidney and the liver channels.
- If you have lower back pain please seek professional help during this season, such as Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, etc.
”Recommended foods for this season include regular bone broth, sesame seeds, walnuts, cashew nuts and mushrooms. These are great to nourish the Kidneys from the TCM lens.